Computer-delivered IELTS is exactly the same test as paper-based IELTS, but instead of writing your answers on paper, you will type them on a computer.
IELTS offers you a choice to either take the test in the traditional pen and paper format or through the computer. Some test takers are more used to paper-based tests as this might feel similar to other exam situations, whereas other people feel more comfortable typing. So, it all comes down to your personal choice and skills.
Yes. The test is completely the same as paper-based IELTS in terms of content, scoring, level of difficulty and question types
No.The test will be the same as paper-based IELTS in terms of content, scoring, level of difficulty and question types. The Speaking test is not changing and will still be carried out face to face with a trained IELTS Examiner. It is still the same test, the only difference is the Listening, Reading and Writing tests are on computer.
The test will be the same as paper-based IELTS in terms of content, scoring, level of difficulty and question types, so it is just a matter of convenience and personal choice. Pick the modality which empowers you to perform your best on your IELTS test day.
No. There is no need to bring your own keyboard or laptop as all the necessary equipment is provided by the test centre and no other equipment is permitted in the test centre.
There is no transfer time for computer-delivered IELTS Listening test. You input answers directly as you hear them. You will get a pencil and a sheet of paper (with your Log-in details) that you can write notes on.
The computer-delivered IELTS test is offered 7 days a week, with multiple sessions. Please check with your local IELTS test centre for more detailed information.
A computer-delivered IELTS Test is not available on-demand, the registration for the computer-delivered IELTS is the same as for paper-based IELTS.
International English Guru offers multiple IELTS (hyperlink to IELTS COURSES) courses to help you prepare for the IELTS exam. There is also practice material available for each test. As the questions and tasks on the computer-delivered test are the same as for the paper-based test, the material is suitable for all test takers.(Hyperlink for FREE IELTS MATERIAL PAGE).
If you have taken the computer-delivered IELTS test, you can preview your results online within 2-5 days after your test date.
General FAQ
'The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is one of the most well-known English language test for higher education and immigration. For more information, it would be ideal if you visit (our link to IELTS videos).
The following 4 skills are tested in the IELTS Test:
Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking.
The process remains the same for both, but availability for one or the other may be limited at a given location.
IELTS accepts only Passports and national ID cards for registration and testing purposes.
The test is offered in two formats: IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training
The IELTS Speaking test is the same for Academic and General Training. This part of the tests is a face-to-face interview without disruptions or distractions. It’s a structured discussion on a familiar topic.
How to Prepare
In IELTS Listening, students can expect 4 sections, with each section having 10 questions. IELTS Listening module is for 40 marks and has 40 questions (each question carries 1 mark). Student loses marks for poor spelling and grammar. In the IELTS Listening module the recording lasts for approximately 30 minutes (and at the end of the test students get 10 minutes extra time for transferring answers to the answer sheet). The listening sections have either conversation between two or more individuals or students can get a monologue. While the first two sections are about general conversations, the last two sections generally have an educational context.
The types of questions in IELTS Listening are as follows:
1. Multiple Choice Questions
2. Matching
3. Plan/Map/Diagram labelling
4. Form/Note/Table/Flow-chart/Summary completion
5. Fill in the blanks ( summary, single sentence, tabular format)
6. Sentence completion
The recordings in IELTS Listening are not repeated and are played once. These recordings in the IELTS Listening module are in different accents (for example British, Australian, New Zealand, American, etc). IELTS Listening focuses on the identification of test-takers ability to follow the conversation as well as the ability to understand the conversation taking place between two people.
IELTS has different formats for Academic and General Training Reading. IELTS Academic and General Training reading, both are for 60 minutes and have 40 questions. Student loses marks for poor spelling and grammar. IELTS Academic and General Training reading differ in the level of difficulty. IELTS Academic is for people who plan for higher education or seek professional registration. IELTS General Training focuses on basic survival skills in broad social and workplace contexts.
In IELTS Academic reading, students get 3 passages, with each passage having a variable number of questions in different task types. IELTS Academic Reading module is for 40 marks and has 40 questions (each question carries 1 mark). IELTS Academic reading module lasts for 60 minutes (students do not get extra time for transferring answers to the answer sheets).
The types of questions in the IELTS Academic reading module are as follows:
1. Multiple choice
2. Identifying information
3. Identifying writer’s views/claims
4. Matching information
5. Matching headings
6. Matching features
7. Matching sentence endings
8. Sentence completion
9. Summary completion
10. Note completion
11. Table completion
12. Flow-chart completion
13. Diagram label completion
14. Short-answer questions.
IELTS Academic reading module tests reading and understanding skills by testing the student’s ability to recognize detailed or specific information as well as the ability to recognize opinions, theory, ideas (main and supporting), theme and relationship between facts conveyed in the argumentative, discursive, or factual texts by reading, scanning, skimming and understanding.
In IELTS General training reading, students can expect 3 sections, with Section 1 having more than two short texts/passages, Section 2 has two texts/passages, and Section 3 has one long text/passage. IELTS General reading module is for 40 marks and has 40 questions (each question carries 1 mark). IELTS General training reading module lasts for 60 minutes (no extra time for transferring answers to answer sheet).
The types of questions in the IELTS General reading module are as follows:
1. Multiple choice
2. Identifying information
3. Identifying writer’s views/claims
4. Matching information
5. Matching headings
6. Matching features
7. Matching sentence endings
8. Sentence completion
9. Summary completion
10. Note completion
11. Table completion
12. Flow-chart completion
13. Diagram label completion
14. Short-answer questions.
IELTS General reading module tests reading and understanding skills by testing the student’s ability to recognise detailed or specific information as well as the ability to recognize opinions, theory, ideas (main and supporting), theme and relationship between facts conveyed in the argumentative, discursive, or factual texts by reading, scanning, skimming and understanding.
IELTS Writing module has two writing tasks to be completed in 60 minutes. It is mandatory to do both tasks. In Task 1, the student is expected to write 150 words in approximately 20 minutes, and in Task 2 student is expected to write approximately 250 words in 40 minutes. Students will lose marks for writing less than expected word limit, irrelevant, the plagiarized task with spelling mistakes, and wrong grammar. Overall clarity and understanding of the topic as well as fluency, flow, and lexical resource used in the task is considered by the examiner. IELTS academic writing module and IELTS general writing module differ in the level of difficulty and Task 1. While task 1 of IELTS academic writing requires students to describe some given graph, table, chart, or diagram, Task 1 of the IELTS General Training module requires students to write a formal, semi-formal, or informal letter. Task 2 contributes twice as task 1 to the overall IELTS writing band score.
The types of questions in the IELTS Academic module are as follows:
Task 1: In task 1 of IELTS academic writing, the facts, figures, and processes given in the form of graph, table, chart, or diagram are required to be explained in 150 words. The focus of this task in IELTS Academic writing is to recognize the ability of students to identify the most important, relevant information and trends in a graph, chart, table, or diagram, and to give a well-organised description of it using language accurately in an academic style.
The types of questions in task 1 of IELTS academic writing are:
1. Graph
2. Table
3. Chart
4. Diagram
Task 2: In task 2 of IELTS academic writing, a relevant discursive description of a topic is required to be explained with a point of view or argument or problem in relevant 250 words. The focus of this task in IELTS Academic writing is to recognize the ability of students to present a clear, relevant, well-organised argument, giving evidence or examples to support their ideas and use language accurately in an academic or semi-formal/neutral style.
The types of questions in task 2 of IELTS academic writing are:
1. Agree or Disagree/ To what extent
2. Advantages and Disadvantages
3. Problems/ Reasons/ Solutions/ Suggestions
4. Discuss both views and give your opinion
5. Mixed category or Question Answer type
The types of questions in IELTS General Training module are as follows:
Task 1: In Task 1 of IELTS General Training writing, student is required to write a letter be explained in 150 words covering all three bulleted points in question. Focus of this task in IELTS General Training writing is to follow English letter-writing conventions and to use, organize, describe and link the information correctly in proper language.
The types of questions in task 1 of IELTS General Training writing are:
1. Formal
2. Semi-formal
3. Informal letter
Task 2: In task 2 of IELTS General Training writing, a relevant discursive description of a topic is required to be explained in relevant 250 words. Focus of this task in IELTS General Training writing is to recognize the ability of student to present a clear, relevant, well-organised argument, giving evidence or examples to support their ideas, and to use language accurately in a semi-formal/neutral style.
The types of questions in task 2 of IELTS General Training writing are:
1. Agree or Disagree/ To what extent
2. Advantages and Disadvantages
3. Problems/ Reasons/ Solutions/ Suggestions
4. Discuss both views and give your opinion
5. Mixed category or Question Answer type
IELTS Speaking module includes oral interviews between student and examiner. All of the interviews in the IELTS Speaking module are recorded and lasts for 11-14 minutes. IELTS Speaking module focuses on the ability of the student to communicate ideas clearly on everyday experiences, situations, or topics by answering a range of questions using appropriate language and be able to express, justify, analyse, and discuss about issues.
IELTS Speaking module is basically divided into three sections:
1. Personal Introduction
2. Cue card
3. Discussion
Personal Introduction: In this section of IELTS Speaking student is expected to introduce himself/herself. The student may tell the examiner about his/her home, family, work, studies, and interests during this section of IELTS Speaking. This section of IELTS Speaking is also used by the examiner to check the identity of the student. Introduction of IELTS Speaking lasts for 4-5 minutes.
Long turn/ Cue card: In the second section of IELTS Speaking, the student is given a cue card with a topic and points to be covered. Pencil and paper are provided in section 2 of IELTS Speaking and the student is given 1 minute time to prepare his topic. The student is given 2 minutes to speak about the topic and cover all the points in the cue card. Examiner stops the student after two and may ask one-two questions from the topic spoken about. This section of IELTS Speaking lasts for 3-4 minutes (including preparation time).
Discussion: In section 3 of IELTS Speaking, the examiner and the test takers discuss the topic given in section two in a more general and abstract way. This discussion may be extended to a greater depth. This section of IELTS Speaking lasts for 4-5 minutes.
I need help preparing for my IELTS test. Can you help me?
Sure thing! International English Guru gives you access to a wide range of IELTS preparation materials for all levels of English. Explore and view it here. (Hyperlink to IELTS PAGE)
Module Specific Questions
No. The IELTS Listening Test remains the same for Academic and General Training.
At the beginning of each section, you will hear a short description of the situation you are about to listen to. This may give information about who the speakers are, where they are and what the general topic is. This description is not written on the question paper, so it is important to listen to it carefully.
You can hear each recording only ONCE (other than in the example at the beginning).
Yes. All the questions are in the same order as the information in the recording.
There is a pause between each of the sections. Also, there is one break during Sections 1, 2 and 3, to allow you time to look at the following questions. However, there is NO break in Section 4.
Yes. You will lose marks for incorrect spelling and grammar. However, words that you have to write will usually be common words. Both UK and US spellings are accepted. When you hear the name of a person, place, company, etc., in the recording, it may be spelled out.
Yes. You can find free IELTS samples view it here. (Hyperlink to FREE MATERIAL PAGE)
Write your answers on the Writing answer sheet. You will not get any paper for making notes, but you may write notes on the question paper. The examiner will not see these.
You can write using pen or pencil, but you must write clearly. You may erase/cross out and change parts of your writing, but you must make sure that your work is easy to read.
Remember that punctuation is assessed in the Writing test and you may be penalised if it is not clear to the examiner where your sentences begin and end.
Yes. If you don’t write enough words, you will be penalised. You must adhere to the word limit and write at least 150 words for the Task 1 question and 250 words for the Task 2 question.
No. Task 2 contributes twice as much as Task 1 to the Writing score.
You have 1 hour to write your answers for the two tasks. Remember that Task 2 contributes twice as much as Task 1 to the Writing score – so you may wish to spend less time on Task 1 and more on Task 2. It is important that you plan your work carefully before writing.
Yes. You can access the free IELTS Speaking sample tasks here.(Link to our free material page)
You can only take your identity document. The examiner will give you everything you need in the test.
The recording is needed in case the performance needs to be re-assessed.
The topics are carefully chosen to reflect common experiences, so you don’t need special knowledge to talk about them.
Yes. If you don’t need the whole minute, you can begin speaking when you are ready. However, it is a good idea to use all of the preparation time.
No, note-taking is just an option. Some candidates prefer just to think about what to say, whereas others find that making notes helps them to organize their ideas well so its all about your preference.
No, the examiner is not allowed to give feedback, and you should not ask them to do so.
Real Exam Booking and Payment
Test-takers can register directly with the individual test centers. The IELTS website allows candidates to search for available locations and dates, with links to specific test centers.
Test-takers must have a clear and legible scanned copy of their current valid passport to upload when applying. The copy must have the test-takers photo, name, date of birth, passport number, and expiry date.
Test takers can pay online via either of the below-mentioned modes:
1) PayPal
2) Credit Card / Debit Card
3) AliPay
Payment must be made within 48 hours of registering online for the test.
No. The test fee must be paid in full at the time of booking.
You must contact your test Centre as soon as possible if you seek to request a refund or reschedule your exam. Your Test Centre will provide you information on your next steps and administration fees.
There is no time limit on sitting the test. However, at International English Guru we strongly recommend you to practice your IELTS skills in Writing, Reading, or Speaking until you're confident you've done enough to increase your band score before taking the test again. We offer one-on-one coaching and IELTS Masterclasses, you can register for them here. (Hyperlink to our IELTS PAGE) We also offer a wide range of IELTS preparation materials for all levels of English, you can request a FREE IELTS Demo Class(Hyperlink to form for FREE DEMO REGISTRATION) or have access to our FREE Material. (Hyperlink to our FREE MATERIAL PAGE)
Test-takers receive a score for each module and a total score that is the average of all four modules. Each score will be on the "band" system, on a scale of 0 to 9 in half-point increments.
If you take the IELTS paper-based test, you can preview your IELTS results online 13 calendar days after your test date.
Provisional online results are available after 5 pm on the IELTS Australia website, 13 days after each test (paper-based tests).
No. IELTS Results are not shared via email, fax, or phone.
In some instances, your IELTS Test Centre will provide you your provisional IELTS results directly via text message. If you want to know if this option is available, please check with your Test Centre before your results are released
If there is an error on your Test Report Form, please contact your IELTS test centre. The test centre will re-issue a new Test Report Form.
While it is up to each organization to set a validity period that works for their purposes, the IELTS partners recommend a 2-year validity period for IELTS test results.
You can request a test remark by applying for an Enquiry on Results with your Test Centre, within six weeks of sitting your test. Please contact the team at IELTS Customer Service for more information. There is a fee for An Enquiry on Results (EOR) and should your band score increase, the cost is refunded in full and a new Test Report Form is issued.
On the Test Day
You can only bring in pens, pencils, erasers and the valid passport you used on the IELTS Application Form during the registration process with you to the test. . Please check at the reception if you can take the stationery items inside the test room).
Please give yourself at least an hour’s time to complete the registration process and relax before sitting the test.
No, the test centre will take your photo on the test day when you go for the registration.
A: Test takers are not permitted to leave the test room:
During the Listening test
Between each section
In the last 10 minutes of each section
Test takers are permitted to leave the test room during the Reading and Writing section. If you need to leave the test room at any time during these tests, please quietly raise your hand and an invigilator will assist you. Test takers who leave the test room for any reason will not be permitted extra time to complete the test.
If you are unable to attend your test due to a serious medical condition and can provide a medical certificate within five days of the test date, you may qualify for a refund minus the local administrative cost. However, if you are away on the test day with no prior notice, you will lose your full fee.
PTE General FAQ- PTE Academic FAQ
How to Prepare
Listening would facilitate your speaking anyway, but your performance specifically in the Speaking module would improve fastest if you talk in English rather than in your native language. Grab every opportunity to communicate in English; challenge your comfort zone. It is also a good idea to repeat the lectures in your own words after listening to them; enter into interesting discussions with friends. Your self-confidence is the best measure of your improvement.
Extensive reading is an easy way to improve your writing. In particular, a good piece of writing is a product of deep thought process, rich vocabulary and dexterity at expressing oneself through varied sentence structures. So, enhancing one's vocabulary, learning up complex sentence structures, idioms, phrases would all contribute to improvement in your writing style. Summary writing, in particular, is a task type that requires students to master complex sentence structures. Spelling and punctuation are other two areas to be improved upon, to upscale the writing scores further. Nothing except carefulness and conscious efforts can bring about an improvement therein.
Guru mantra for the reading module of PTE is 'Focus on UNDERSTANDING'.
There is such a huge difference between reading and understanding. PTE Reading is not a reading test but an understanding test. It checks not what you have read but what you have understood. Fast reading skills, jump reading skills, referencing skills don't help until comprehension level is high.
So, guru mantra for excellence in the Reading module of PTE is 'Don't read, UNDERSTAND'.
The best preparation for PTE listening would be through listening to a wide range of accents and dialects. You could choose to listen to podcasts, documentaries, movies, TV serials, talkes shows, and so on. Listening is best done through HEADPHONES. It would also be highly beneficial if you could pause the audio after a minute and recall or even write, all that you understood, in a summary form. If you are preparing for 80 or more points, it’s advisable to predict even the future course of the talk before you turn it back on. This exercise would be the best preparation for nearly all the listening task types.
Module Specific Questions
PTE Speaking has five sub-tasks.
PTE speaking starts with a personal introduction which is not assessed.
Read aloud sub-test is really easy and requires you to read six small passages aloud into the computer's microphone.
Read aloud section tests your ability to read fluently and correctly with right intonation, pronunciation, and stress; alongside displaying the purpose of the text.
The performance of the Read-aloud section also counts towards the reading module.
The test taker can be made to read anywhere from 6 to 7 texts.
Yes, there is partial marking as well as negative marking in this question type.
Read aloud subtest counts towards both listening and speaking modules.
Repeat sentence checks your ability to recognise academic vocabulary, comprehend variations in tone, speed, and accent along with proximity to repeat the same at a natural pace using correct pronunciation and stress.
You can be made to repeat anywhere from 10 to 12 sentences.
Repeat sentence counts towards the listening module.
Yes, one does get partially marked if a part of the answer is correct.
Images aim to test the ability of the test-taker to select, support and organise the observed information and present it in the form of spoken discourse, using appropriate words and phrases along with correct grammar.
You can get anywhere from 6 to 7 images to describe.
No, it doesn't contribute to any other module?
The most commonly appearing ones are the line graph, bar graph, line cum bar graph, table, pie-chart, process, diagram, and a picture. There can be any combination of these images.
Yes, you do get partially marked if the image is even partially explained.
Re-tell lecture involves listening to a lecture ( in particular to the theme and content of the lecture) for 60 to 90 seconds and retelling it within 40 seconds.
Performance in the Re-tell lecture contributes to the listening module as well.
Yes, it does.
A simple, common-sense question is asked, and you are required to answer in one word or a phrase. Lately, some changes have been made to this question type. A picture is shown, and test-takers are required to interpret the asked information from it.
Answer shot questions contribute a good number of points to the listening module as well.
Partial credit does not apply to Answer short questions.
There are a minimum of two and maximum of three Summary tasks.
The summary task expects the test-taker to read 300-word long passage and then summarise it in only one sentence, in exactly 10 minutes time.
One does get partial credit for the semi-correct summary.
Summarise written text aims to measure your ability to select, synthesise, and accurately present in words, the crucial information from the text and that too within the given time and word limit.
Yes, you get points added to his reading module for your performance in the summary text.
PTE essay question is two to three sentences long. It expects a long, organised response from you in anywhere from 200-300 words within 20 minutes of time.
A test-taker should expect a minimum of one to maximum of two essay questions.
PTE essay question aims to check your ability to write for a particular purpose while displaying the ability to support ideas with details, examples, and explanations. Skill at organising ideas along with grammar, vocabulary, and spelling is also tested through an essay.
You do get partially marked in the essay.
MULTIPLE-CHOICE, CHOOSE SINGLE ANSWER is a short reading text that expects the test-taker to choose one correct answer from the four options provided.
MCQ Single Answer checks your ability to read for a purpose, which could be identifying the main idea/theme or identifying the supporting ideas with special reference to establishing a connection between different pieces of information. It also emphasises upon the test taker's ability to analyse, interpret n evaluate a short reading text on an academic subject.
There are two questions of this type.
Partial marking or negative marking does not apply to this section.
These blanks in particular, test your ability to identify specific details, modifications in expressions, usage of collocation along with inferring the meaning of unfamiliar words.
One can get anywhere from two to three of these questions.
In the case of Multiple-Choice, choose multiple answers PARTIAL SCORING takes place. There is Negative Marking for each incorrect choice.
This question type expects the test-taker to sequentially and logically rearrange the randomly misarranged sentences of the paragraph
This question type judges your ability to identify the sequence of events and to find the connection/commonality between sentences in a paragraph by working through organization and cohesion.
There can be two to three questions on reorder sentences.
Partial Marking applies to re-order sentences, but they are not negatively marked.
Fill in the blank are of two categories.
1. Reading: Fill in the blanks
2. Reading and writing: Fill in the blanks.
This question type has four to five blanks in a short text. Options are nearly double of the number of blanks provided.
Fill in the blanks, reading check your ability to identify the theme of the text; understand academic vocabulary; the difference between connotation and denotation; explicit and implicit and abstract and concrete information along with understanding the chronology underlying the sequence of events. Collocation is the most commonly tested skill for this particular question type.
There could be four to five different question types.
Reading and writing, fill in the blank is quite of a longer text with several blanks and each blank has a drop-down list of four options to select from.
These blank types, in particular, check your ability to identify the theme of the text; understand academic vocabulary; the difference between connotation and denotation; explicit and implicit and abstract and concrete information along with understanding the chronology, underlying the sequence of events. For writing sub-skill, there is focus on testing the use of grammar and words and phrases appropriate to the context.
One could attempt five to six reading and writing, fill in the blank tasks.
In Reading and writing-fill in the blanks partial credit applies.
Yes, Reading and writing-Fill in the blank contributes to the writing module as well.
PTE Listening task lasts anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour.
There are eight task types in total in PTE listening.
Summarise spoken text in PTE Listening is very similar to Retell lecture in the speaking module of PTE. The only difference is that you need to write down the summary of the audio you hear in the listening module, in anywhere from 50-70 words, instead of retelling it, as is the case in the speaking module.
The primary purpose of Summarise spoken text in PTE listening is to check if you can 1) comprehend 2) categorise and 3) classify information you heard, along with taking notes at the same time.
Summarize the spoken text in PTE Listening contributes to the writing section as well as the listening one.
Multiple-choice, choose multiple answers in PTE listening, require you to select more than one response after listening to the recording.
Multiple-choice, choose multiple answers in PTE listening to seek to test the ability of a test taker to identify the topic, themes, or specific details and facts.
Yes, there is negative marking in MCQ's multiple choice.
Listening fill in the blanks are quite easy. They involve typing the missing words in the blanks given in the transcription of the recording that appears on the screen.
PTE listening involves selecting a paragraph from four given options that best summarises the 60-90 seconds of audio that you get to hear.
It aims to test your ability to comprehend the most important points while listening.
Highlight correct summary in listening also helps towards PTE reading.
Multiple-choice, choose a single answer in PTE listening is quite similar to multiple-choice, choose multiple answers, except that in the case of multiple-choice choose the single answer, the test taker is required to select only one of the four given options.
The objective of multiple-choice, choose single answer is to test if the test taker can identify the speaker's purpose, style, tone, or attitude along with identifying the overall organisation of information and connection between pieces of information.
Select missing world in PTE listening involves listening to a recording and then selecting the missing word that best matches the recording.
Results are typically available online within 5 working days of your test date. Accordion Sample Description
All PTE Academic results are issued electronically. PTE Academic scores are accessed via an online account. You will typically receive an email within 5 working days with instructions on how to check your results online. After you receive this, you will need to login to the Pearson Vue account that you created to book your test. (
If in case you are unhappy with your PTE Academic score, you may request for your score to be marked again, please visit the Pearson FAQ site for more information. (
Your results will typically be available within five business days of your test date. When your results are ready, you will receive an email notification from Pearson telling you how to view your score via your Pearson web account. If for any reason there is a delay in your results, Pearson will contact you directly.
PTE Academic is assessed using automated scoring technology and test takers are provided with a score from 10-90 across all skills speaking, writing, reading, and listening, and overall. Pearson’s 10-90 scale is based on the Global Scale of English.
You can find information on scores at
On The Test Day
You should arrive approximately 30 minutes prior to the start of your test.
Test Centre only accepts your original passport as ID.
You may take a 10-minute break between Part 2: Reading and Part 3: Listening if you wish to. During your break, you are not allowed to access your locker or to leave the test area.
If you are ill on the test day and unable to sit the test, please contact Pearson as soon as possible. Pearson will offer transfers to another test session free of charge in some circumstances.
Phone: 1800 729 282
Office hours: Monday to Friday, 1.30 am to 6.00 pm India Standard Time; closed on local holidays.
Booking and Payment
Register online at You must first register for a Pearson account, the account will be approved within 24 hours. Once your account is created, you can schedule your test at
If you did not receive the score you need, you can schedule another test on the Pearson website. Please note that you cannot register for another test until you have received the score for your previous test.
MasterCard and Visa debit cards
MasterCard, Visa, American Express and JCB credit cards
Vouchers and promotion codes (you must pay the balance if your voucher does not cover the full test cost) We do not accept PayPal
No. You can register for the test online or by phone through our call centers. Contact the customer service team in your region.
5. My name is too long to fit the space on the form. What should I enter into the registration form?
It's an electronic form. So, the word limit is not an issue. You can type in any number of words.
3.1 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS about International English Guru’s Online Courses
Yes, the entire focus of International English Guru’s Online PTE coaching is on results. We are renowned for our fastest results and high-quality training. Our online students from Newzealand, Fiji, Dubai, Indonesia, Hongkong have already scored far more than their targeted score in as less as 5 days. A high number of students have even scored the perfect mark of 90 each with our teachers’ able guidance. So, we feed on results and results only.
Accordion Sample students who have done ONLINE Course with International English Guru have shown remarkable, astonishing, unbelievable improvement. One band jump is the most common one for all students. Still, there has been an impressive number of students who have even shown a straight jump of two bands straight up. Recently, a high number of online students have come up with a perfect score of 90 each with our ONLINE TRAINING.
Uncountable Results are available on our Facebook page and the high number of reviews speak for themselves. (Hyperlink to the Facebook/ youtube video of our students from different nationalities)
With the right training and honest implementation, every score is possible description
We boast of the highest success rate. 98% of the students who join us achieve their desired scores.
66% of them get their scores on the very first attempt.
25% of them achieve more than their targeted score.
Students get access to the recorded sessions of our highly qualified and experienced Academic Head from our real class-room in Sydney. Doing this we ensure everyone receives lessons from the very best Teacher. Moreover, your in-availability should not affect the quality of lessons you receive. Anyway, the real point of online lessons is that you get absolute time flexibility and are not bound by our teachers availability and the time difference in Sydney and other parts of the world.
You can re-attend the lesson at any other time of your choice.
But for the best and fastest results, try and stick to your success plan. Finish the lesson in one shot. A full lesson has a better impact on your understanding and memory.
You will be reissued any number of lessons if your allocated teacher finds revision necessary for your improvement.
We have a call 12 by 7 call centre where qualified and trained PTE staff is available online to guide you. But we recommend you to clarify your doubts with your allocated teacher as this way your respective teacher can monitor your performance through your doubts.
How quick is the feedback in the PTE Online coaching offered by you?
We have a 12 by 7 Teachers’ Call Centre with ten teachers ever ready to take your lesson relating doubts. For areas requiring detailed feedback, it is in your best benefit to make an appointment with your allocated teacher.
You will team up with your teacher and she is your guide and is responsible for clarifying all your doubts, concerns and ushering you to success.
You get three different levels of practice material for every single question type depending on your band score. There are nearly 500 questions for every single question type. It is by far more than what you can exhaust.
Yes, definitely. You get 50 practice tests that are developed in-house and are based on frequently repeated content. (Hyperlink to our Free Material Page)
Yes. Definitely. Practice forms an integral part of our training
All classwork that is a part of all lessons includes two hours of mandatory guided practice with the teacher. Apart from it, each lesson has relevant homework linked to each question type and band score targeted by the student. Apart from it, students get access to a portal that has unlimited practice material on each question type. (Hyperlink to our Free Material Page)
YES, the practice portal we provide to each student enrolled with us has all the old, new, most repeated, and most predicted PTE questions.
Yes, before the students enroll we offer our students, free of cost IELTS / PTE orientation.(Hyperlink for the form to attend or register for the FREE IELTS/PTE Orientation)
We hate failures. We have highly competent teachers guiding you. There is no way we will let you fail if you join the right course and follow your teachers’ advice. As we take failures very seriously, you will be added to the student list of our Academic Head. The academic Head is the course designer and she will take responsibility for your performance n success herself.
Online PTE Coaching with International English Guru Australia is available any time of the day, on any day, at any place with an internet connection.
Yes! If you are getting your target score in all other sections, we can enroll and train you for Writing Module only. (Hyperlink for PTE Customised Course Page)
Yes! If you are getting your target score in Writing, Listening and Speaking sections, we can definitely enrol and train you for Writing Module only. (Hyperlink for PTE Customised Course Page)
Yes again! If you are achieving your target score in the Writing, Listening, and Reading sections, we can definitely enrol and train you for Speaking Module only. (Hyperlink for PTE Customised Course Page)
Yes, definitely! If you are achieving your target score in Writing, Speaking and Reading sections, we can definitely enrol and train you for Speaking Module only. (Hyperlink for PTE Customised Course Page)
Yes, you certainly can and actually you must. We give you a full chance to ensure the quality of lessons and service before we ask you to make any payments. You get a feel of the class, lessons and service quality through our trial session. (Hyperlink for the form to attend and register for the Free Demo Class)
You can ask for a trial lesson on any day and time of your choice. (Hyperlink for form to attend and register for the Free Demo Class)
You get feedback until you improve enough to achieve your targeted score. Our teachers will not promote you to the next lesson until they are fully convinced of your reaching the benchmark.
PTE Speaking is more about tips and tricks. In our Online Lessons, you will get the latest strategies that get a 90/90 score in the Real PTE Academic exam. Lessons are designed by the PTE Academic Head to help you ace the Speaking exam in the very first attempt, in the shortest possible time.
You will be given an Online Speaking Test once you learn all the Do’s and Dont’s associated with the PTE Academic Speaking Test from the Head Teacher herself. Your entire Online Speaking test will be then marked here in International English Guru’s Sydney Campus. Once it is marked you will go face time with your allocated teacher who will give you detailed feedback on each and every question type. It goes more personal and live than face-to-face teaching.
Can you help me to book a PTE exam?
Booking a Pearson exam date is an easy business.
Our teachers can guide you nice and slow; step by step on doing it.
It is recommended that you begin your PTE course as soon as you know YOU NEED TO CLEAR IT. This way, you have to hold on the most needed tricks and strategies and you can use all your extra/spare time to practice and master the tricks and strategies.
This also takes a lot of last-minute stress off your mind.
International English Guru has centers in Parramatta and Sydney but we deliver PTE classes online, nearly everywhere like Liverpool, Bondi, Penrith, Strathfield, Wollongong, Hornsby, Hobart, Brisbane, Hornsby, Canberra, Adelaide, Melbourne, New Zealand, Central Coast, Pendle Hill, Blacktown, Ryde, Auburn, Merrylands, Hurstville, etc.
We understand and appreciate that all students are different with respect to their educational background, learning abilities, and visa conditions. As one size shoe cannot fit all, a standard course cannot precisely meet all educational demands.
Our courses have the potential to bring sure results in days and weeks. Therefore, we do not believe in the cancerous concept of unlimited courses that repeat the same syllabus again and again. Our motto is to make you clear the test ASAP.
Though knowledge is priceless, our fee is negligible when compared to the success, prosperity and happiness that it will bring to you and your family in future life.